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Episode 1 - A First Nations Perspective on Treaties with Elder Harry Bone - Webinar Series 1
Episode 4 - Peguis Selkirk Treaty with Elder Harry Bone and Maureen Matthews - Webinar Series 2
NCTR and Natural Resources Canada's 3-Part Webinar Series on Allyship and Reconciliation. Part 1.
An Elder's Perspective Harry Bone
Agowiidiwinan, with Commissioner Loretta Ross and Professor Aaron Mills. "Treaties in each Act."
Treaty Relations Commission Of Manitoba
First Nations Treaties Day at The Manitoba Legislature | May 12, 2010: Part 4 of 6
NCTR and Natural Resources Canada's 3-Part Webinar Series on Allyship and Reconciliation. Part 3.
Office of the Treaty Commissioner Archives
National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation Live Stream
A geographical perspective on the Numbered Treaties in Canada
Aaron Mills speaks to "Kinship Across Worlds" as it relates to Treaty.